Thank you for your interest in our Skat/Doppelkopf-Software.
The program provided with this document contains a Demo version of Skat 3.0 and Doppelkopf 1.1 for the Macintosh. When you start the program, you will be asked which game you want to play. Although some of the functions are limited -- League and Championship games are not possible and game statistics are not recorded, for example -- you'll be able to play a few hands and get a good sense of what great programs these really are.
There is also a sound file that can be used to add sound to the games. It has been omitted from this archive because of its size, but can be downloaded from the internet at the address:
If you don't know how to play a game or want to "brush up" on the rules, check out our comprehensive handbook, Skat for Beginners or Doppelkopf for Beginners. You'll find explanations of all of the rules and some tips on play.
Please note that the commercial versions of Skat 3.0 and Doppelkopf are sold separately. There is also a bundle price that you can see on our order form below.
The latest information and patches for our Skat and Doppelkopf products can be found in the internet at the address, . Give it a try!
Skat 2.0 is an attractive option for those on a budget who don't need all of the capabilities of Skat 3.0. Purchasing Skat 2.0, also gives you the ability to update to Skat 3.0 later at a special price. Click the button below for further information on select Chapter 4 in the menu above.
Card Sets A and B
Additional card sets are available for Skat 2.0, 3.0, and Doppelkopf. Each set contains four different card faces to liven up your game. Once purchased, the card sets work for all three game programs.
Our Service
Whether you have a question about your program or simply want to purchase the latest version, our WWW site on the Internet at
is the place to start. You'll find there everything you need to know about Skat and Doppelkopf.
In addition, the latest program versions are always available in the forums "MACUP" and "MACFUN" in CompuServe.
Update Service
All registered users can purchase upgrades from Skat 1.0x or 2.0x to Version 3.0 at an attractive price. Once you've purchased a product from us, you are always eligible for the best price on the latest version of the product that you purchased.
New Games
We've got a lot planned for 1997. Summer/Fall 1997 our new "Schafkopf" game for the Macintosh will hit the market to expand your game-playing opportunities. Of course, there will also be a beginners' guide and program handbook to guide you and to suggest a few tricks along the way. Watch for it!
If you'd like additional information about any of our products, simply write or send us an e-mail.